Elemental Health St Ives

Nutrition | Naturopathy | Osteopathy | Manual Lymphatic Drainage | Remedial Massage | Kinesiology | Buteyko Breathing | Acupuncture | Craniosacral therapy


nutrition, elemental health
naturopathy, elemental health
homeopathy, elemental health
osteopathy, elemental health
acupuncture, elemental health
integrative therapy, elemental health
remedial massage, elemental health
Remedial Massage
craniosacral therapy, elemental health
lymphatic drainage, elemental health
Manual Lymphatic
pregnancy massage, elemental health
Pregnancy Massage 
buteyko breathing, elemental health
Buteyko Breathing

Free Webinar July

Why are your children fussy with food and how to change it

Join Nutritionist and Naturopath Jean Jarrett for our "Introduction to Fussy Eaters" webinar and discover expert strategies to transform mealtimes from battles to bonding moments! Learn practical tips for encouraging healthy eating habits, understand the underlying reasons for picky eating, and gain confidence in creating a positive and nutritious dining experience for your child. Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to support your fussy eater on their journey to enjoying a diverse range of foods!

When:  Fri 26th Jul 2024, 1:00 pm AEST

Register for the recording

Elemental Health evolved out of the need for a more holistic and integrative approach to health solutions. Our focus is on both body and mind, which leads to over all wellbeing.

Nutrition, healing and health

Our Programs

In additional to our clinic support we have a range of online programs including our Menopause Reset, Healthy Kids Naturally and Ageing Outrageously. 
elemental health treatments

Our Treatments

elemental health practitioners

Our Practitioners

At Elemental Health qualification and standards are important to us.  Our practitioner qualifications exceed requirements of AHPRA and ATMS.  They leaders in their respective fields.   

Latest News

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Reduced volume breathing
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The Gut-Skin Connection in Acne: How Your Digestive Health Impacts Your Skin
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Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm
(after hours booking available)