Homework ergonomics for children and teenagers
I’m amazed how many children and teenagers I see in my practice that tell me they do their homework lying ...
Why is fibre an important factor for women’s health and weight loss!
People tend to think fibre’s only job is to keep your bowels regular.  However, there is so much...
Is mould bad for my health? What are the symptoms of mould exposure?
With the recent severe wet weather conditions you are probably seeing mould pop up around your home.  ...
Foods for menopause – what to eat, what to avoid
Good nutrition and specific foods for menopause provide the key to healthy ageing and are beneficial for address...
How to support for your energy levels and stress management with herbal medicine
Adaptogenic herbal medicine works by supporting your adrenals.  The adrenals step up to support many b...
Nutrition to support your children’s learning and help manage stress
I recently spoke at a parent forum run by our local council aimed at giving parents tools to help their children...
10 signs you need to detox
What is a detox? Detoxification is the body’s way of eliminating waste and toxins. Our bodies detox natur...
Research report: The role of medicinal mushrooms in cancer
In many parts of the world mushrooms have been used medicinally to treat infection and other health conditi...

Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm
(after hours booking available)