What is Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)?
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is an award winning, therapeutic way of working with clients to help t...
Treating Baker cysts with Manual Lymphatic Drainage
A Baker cyst, also known as a popliteal cyst, is a fluid-filled benign growth behind the knee. It causes a bulge...
Is magnesium helpful when treating anxiety?
Magnesium plays an essential role in over 300 enzyme reactions in our bodies including blood sugar regulation, b...
Should I take a probiotic during pregnancy?
Looking after your gut health during pregnancy and breastfeeding is imperative not only for the mother’s h...
Treating Tics in children
Tics in children are typically caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Stress, anxiety, an...
Top tips to improve your metabolic rate and lose weight after 40?
Many women find their weight slowly but steadily increasing in their 40s and 50s and the diets they previously u...
Foods to support focus and concentration
I see many children struggling with focus and concentration in and out of school.   While mobile ...
Five simple ways to make balancing blood sugar easier
One of the most essential ways of ensuring that you are ageing outrageously well is to manage your blood sugar e...

Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm
(after hours booking available)