How to deal with HSC exam stress and anxiety
Stress management for HSC Exams  The HSC year and exams can be a daunting and stressful time for your chil...
Is kinesiology really a stress buster?
Is kinesiology really a stress buster? Sadly, in our day-to-day busy lives stress has become a constant compani...
Meaningful ways to give back to our community this Christmas
Volunteering in your local community can have a profound impact on those less fortunate, and what better time to...
The health benefits of mouth taping
Mouth taping, also known as mouth taping therapy or mouth taping at night, is a practice where individuals tape ...
What is Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)?
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is an award winning, therapeutic way of working with clients to help t...
Is magnesium helpful when treating anxiety?
Magnesium plays an essential role in over 300 enzyme reactions in our bodies including blood sugar regulation, b...
Is it good to have a cold shower every day?
The simple answer is yes, it is good to have a cold shower every day. In fact cold water therapy has a number of...
Homework ergonomics for children and teenagers
I’m amazed how many children and teenagers I see in my practice that tell me they do their homework lying ...

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Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm
(after hours booking available)