Is vaping better than smoking cigarettes?
As the popularity of vaping continues to rise, so do the concerns about its potential health risks.  &...
Regular Osteopathic treatments are a way of maintaining optimal musculoskeletal health
Regular Osteopathic treatments are a way of maintaining optimal musculoskeletal health. Hands-on treatment can i...
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy for Babies
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is a very gentle and profound hands-on bodywork therapy that is immensely...
Five simple ways to make balancing blood sugar easier
One of the most essential ways of ensuring that you are ageing outrageously well is to manage your blood sugar e...
What are Psychobiotics and how do they reduce anxiety and improve mood?
Psychobiotics are specific strains of probiotics that can improve mental health by modifying gut microbiome&nbsp...
Is it good to have a cold shower every day?
The simple answer is yes, it is good to have a cold shower every day. In fact cold water therapy has a number of...
Homework ergonomics for children and teenagers
I’m amazed how many children and teenagers I see in my practice that tell me they do their homework lying ...
Why is fibre an important factor for women’s health and weight loss!
People tend to think fibre’s only job is to keep your bowels regular.  However, there is so much...

Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm
(after hours booking available)