Reduced volume breathing
Reduced volume breathing, also known as reduced breathing or gentle breathing, is a technique aimed at decreasin...
Aerophagia – Excessive Burping: How breath work can help Aerophagia
Aerophagia is a medical condition characterized by excessive swallowing of air, which can lead to discomfort, bl...
How to deal with HSC exam stress and anxiety
Stress management for HSC Exams  The HSC year and exams can be a daunting and stressful time for your chil...
5 ways to manage peri-menopause and menopause symptoms 
Many women in their 40s and 50s struggle with low energy, weight gain, poor sleep and brain fog. Not to mention ...
The health benefits of mouth taping
Mouth taping, also known as mouth taping therapy or mouth taping at night, is a practice where individuals tape ...
Is vaping better than smoking cigarettes?
As the popularity of vaping continues to rise, so do the concerns about its potential health risks.  &...
Breathing to reduce stress, anxiety and panic disorder in children
Stress is a fact of modern life. We enjoy unprecedented levels of convenience and technological advancement an...
Mouth breathing and its effect on childhood development
Mouth breathing is a very common habit, present in more than 50 percent of children. It is caused by airway ob...

Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm
(after hours booking available)