Jean Jarrett

Naturopathy, Nutrition & Buteyko Breathing Practitioner

Jean Jarrett

She believes strongly in 'food as medicine' and works with her clients to educate them and help them implement dietary changes in ways that suit their busy lifestyle.

Jean's practice focuses on:

  • Gut health
  • Digestive disorders
  • Children's health and nutrition
  • Woman's hormonal health 
  • Teenage hormonal health
  • Skin conditions
  • Anxiety

The research into how our gut health impacts every aspect of our health and wellbeing is an evolving area. Jean is a Certified Healthy Gut Practitioner having graduated from the Microbiome Restoration Centre.   Our microbiome impacts our nervous system, cognitive function, hormones, appetite, digestion and more.  

Jean also teaches the Buteyko method of breathing to groups and individual clients.

Buteyko breathing is highly beneficial for clients with conditions such learning disorders, asthma, sinusitis, sleep apnoea, snoring, reflux, IBS, and anxiety.

Jean also utilizes the powerful medicinal properties of herbs to address dysregulation of body systems and enhance energy production.

Where appropriate Jean uses functional testing to gain a greater understanding of her clients' health status.

She finds testing can be particularly useful when treating gut issues, hormonal imbalance, food allergies and intolerances, mood disorders and to identify genetic predispositions.

During the Covid 19 lockdown period Jean took her practice online and as was able to reach a wider client base, as a result of this success she has developed an online program for children's health and wellbeing called Health Kids Naturally .  Healthy Kids Naturally provides busy parents with e-courses, nutrition plans and more in a convenient online platform. 


Adv. Dip Naturopathy
Adv. Dip Nutrition 
Certificate in Buteyko Breathing - International Buteyko Clinic 
Certified Healthy Gut Practitioner - Microbiome Restoration Centre 
Certified Microbiome Analyst - Microbiome Restoration Centre 
The Moore Method - PANS and PANDAS
Mindd Practitioner TM



Australia Traditional-Medication Society (ATMS)

Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm
(after hours booking available)