Pre-Operative Care: What to do to prepare for surgery.
Pre-operative care is a crucial phase in the surgical journey. It sets the foundation for a successful operation...
Scar tissue release - Why is treating scars so important?
Scar tissue release - Why is treating scars so important? Surgical interventions around the world continue...
Treating Baker cysts with Manual Lymphatic Drainage
A Baker cyst, also known as a popliteal cyst, is a fluid-filled benign growth behind the knee. It causes a bulge...
How to relieve sinus pain and prevent recurring sinusitis 
Sinusitis is a painful and annoying condition that can impact adults and children.  It occurs when you...
Manual lymphatic drainage massage to support breast cancer recovery
Manual lymphatic drainage is a specialised form of gentle, rhythmic massage that promotes the flow of lymph thro...
Managing Lymphedema with Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphoedema is a condition caused by an accumulation of too much lymph fluid and leads to moderate or severe swe...

Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm
(after hours booking available)